Dr. Gang He
Dr. Gang He
•Ph.D. (China Foreign Affairs University)
•M.A. (Yunnan Nationalities University)
•B.A (Gannan Normal University)
Biographical Statement
Dr. HE Gang is the Lecturer in Institute of International Relations, China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU). He completed his Ph.D. in International Relations at CFAU. His fields of research include International Relations Theory and European Studies.
Selected Articles
He Gang, “Actor Objectives, Identity Stability and Ontological Security: The Case of NATO in the Post-Cold War Era”, Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies, No.1, 2015, pp.63-68.
He Gang, “Autobiographical Narrative and Dynamic of Identity Evolution: Based on the Perspective of Europeanization Process”, World Economics and Politics, No.11, 2015, pp.118-138.
He Gang, “National Identity Evolution and Europeanization: A comparative study of the differentiated process of Europeanization in Serbia and Croatia”, Chinese Journal of European Studies, No.1, 2015, pp.99-115.
He Gang, “Ontological Security Studies in International Relations: A Research Agenda”, Pacific Journal, No.12, 2014, pp.36-46.
He Gang, “Narrative, Practice of Engagement and Foreign Cooperation of Local Governments-The Participation of Guangxi in Pan-Beibu Gulf Rim Economic Cooperation as A Case Study”, Teaching and Research, No.4,2015,pp.72-80
He Gang, “On EU Foreign Intervention Policy: A Case Study of the Upheaval in Libya”, Journal of International Relations, No.6, 2013, pp.106-118.